Solar Global is launching a new wave of ground-mounted photovoltaics. New green sources will help strengthen the Czech Republic's energy independence
Solar Global Group is one of the successful applicants for support for the implementation of new solar power plants from the Modernisation Fund. Thanks to successful applications, it has now started construction of its first two photovoltaic power plants with a total capacity of almost 2 megawatts, which will be built on non-agricultural land in the Prostějov region.
A 3.5 megawatt solar park has been operating and producing clean energy in the Ochoz area for 12 years. Two more parks with a capacity of 976.8 kilowatts and 990 kilowatts will be added in the same area. The projects, with an expected investment of CZK 38 million, are being implemented with 35 per cent support from the Modernisation Fund. Each year, the production of clean solar electricity will bring a total saving of almost 2,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. The company expects to use the solar power plant area also for sheep breeding, which will take care of the maintenance of the land in an efficient and environmentally friendly way.
"After 12 years, we are returning to the Czech Republic with the opportunity to build a larger solar park. We are pleased that our efforts, supported by the Modernisation Fund, will help protect the environment and strengthen Czech energy independence. In addition, the gradually increasing amount of cheap solar electricity will help to make energy bills affordable for domestic consumers," says Vítězslav Skopal, Chairman of the Board of Solar Global, on the benefits of restarting photovoltaics in the Czech Republic.
This is the first project out of a total of 9 successfully tendered grants received from the Modernisation Fund. Solar Global's plans call for a total of up to 31 megawatts, which can be built in the Zlín, Moravian-Silesian and Central Bohemian regions. The solar plants are also to be joined by battery storage facilities with a capacity of 11 megawatt hours. Solar Global is also planning storage at three sites through the production of green hydrogen.
Foreign expansion
Solar Global is also expanding in a number of European markets. Further projects in the order of tens of megawatts are in the pipeline in Spain, Germany, Poland and Romania. The closest project to completion is Geaca (in central Romania) with a capacity of 3.5 megawatts. Construction of the solar park began in September 2022 and is expected to be completed by the end of this year.
"Europe feels that solar energy is a quick recipe for strengthening energy security and independence from Russian natural gas. On foreign projects, we benefit from the advantage of a well-established system of preparation and approval of new projects. Everything is run flexibly to ensure that the country has enough cheap energy independent of Russia. We would be pleased if the Czech Republic also had this approach. It would help, for example, to include renewable energy projects among the resources built in the public interest," concludes Vítězslav Skopal.
Contact person:
Jakub Vrána – Marketing Specialist
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- 1665046902_06102022_TZ_Solar Global rozbíhá novou vlnu pozemních fotovoltaiky. Nové zelené zdroje pomohou posílit energetickou nezávislost Česka.docx (Stáhnout)